Discover How I Elevate Ecommerce Stores Through Various Technical Implementations

Join Other Shopify Stores Doing More With A Fractional CTO

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I Work With Top Brands

Want to implement systems to scale & automate your store?

Apply for a CTO

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A Quick Overview Of How I Can Help

Fractional Shopify CTO

A Fractional CTO can be most productive when:

  • You have an established brand
  • Need to implement CRO tests
  • Create systems & automations
  • Custom checkout sections
  • Connect 3rd party apps seamlessly to your store
  • Create custom reusable sections
  • Implemented order bumps, upsells & downsells

My expertise lies in creating and implementing systems in your business that will help you generate more revenue, work more efficiently and decrease your margins. My goal is to relieve any stress you have that technical problems in your business are causing.

If you are a Shopify store owner, marketing or someone that was hired to help fulfill orders but got asked to do 50 different things with the Shopify store, just stop it and let’s schedule a call.


Custom Shopify Blocks

Shopify Blocks are the pieces of your store that guide your website traffic to become customers. Blocks are completely reusable and can be added anywhere on your store as many times as you want. Creating custom blocks gives you a limitless library of assets to reuse and test with each of your products and customers.


Systems & Automations

Every since ChatGPT launched I see a never ending amount of TikTok’s talking about having AI assistants do everything. I have been creating systems and automations long before ChatGPT was released. Make your life easier and setup systems & automations that can do what multiple employees would have to do.


Send Your Shopify Data Anywhere

There are a lot of really great apps for Shopify. But you don’t need an app for everything, which also means you don’t need to keep paying for lots of extras. Historically most apps can be replaced with a simple implementation. We can leverage Shopify’s API to manage and send data anywhere.


Server Side Event Tracking

There has been more than a handful of brands that I have helped switch over to server side event tracking and within a week saw a meaningful bump in conversions and an meaningful decrease in CPA. Leveraging server side event tracking for all paid spend is now the only way to effectively track conversions for your store.


CRM Follow-Up Workflows

Creating workflows in your CRM like Klayvio, Drip, HighLevel or others can be daunting and hard to make sure everything is setup correctly. I can help you strategize the best follow-up sequences with your marketing team. You provide the copy and I will implement the the workflow in your CRM.


App Installation

Not all apps seamlessly integrate with the theme you are using. I can help install and configure the app to add the app liquid files to the correct places so everything functions the way you would expect it to.


Landing / Sales Pages

I will implement any landing / sales page design you guys have directly inside of Shopify or with tools like Replo or Unbounce. Having a product focused landing page decreases CPA and increases AOV.

Want to implement systems to scale & automate your store?

Apply for a CTO


I rarely freelance now for one-off jobs. My hourly rate for one time jobs is $125. In general it makes more sense for both me and you as the business owner to work together on a consistent basis. Guarantees me monthly income and saves you thousands. If you have a smaller project where it doesn’t make sense to subscribe to my Fractional CTO service then I can refer you to lots of talented Shopify devs.

I don’t design and write copy. I focus solely on technical implementations. I won’t design any page or element for you. I can give CRO feedback but will not design a test. I will not write copy for your home page, landing page, product pages or emails/SMS.

You can pause or cancel your subscription at any time. There are no contracts. If you have a ton of work for the first 2 months of working together and mid-way through the third month you don’t have any work. You can pause your subscription and resume at any point in the future with those available days already paid for.

We will communicate over Slack to manage all of our tasks. In our slack we will have 2 channels. One for direct communication with me and one for tasks. In the task channel you will add your task preferbably detailed with a loom recording if necessary to explain the task you are wanting to accomplish. I will receive that task automatically into my own system and once it’s complete you will receive a notification via that slack channel and I will message you to review it.